Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Nick Klezek - How to Become A Professional Guitarist and Musician

What does it take to become a professional guitar player and musician?" The answer remains a huge mystery for the vast majority of musicians. Nick Klezek's first priority is in changing the musician's mind to help them become the "right person". Then (and only then) do we begin to work on developing the additional skills and tools to advance the musician's future (or current) career in music. So my advice to you (those seeking a music career) is:

1. Focus on your mind and look at the value you have to offer the music industry as well as any possible areas where parts of your personality, habits, actions, or situation may be a liability in the eyes of the-powers-that-be.
2. Continuously work on your songwriting.
3. Learn about the music industry that you are seeking to enter into and don't listen to anyone that hasn't actually "lived in the music industry". If you want to tour the world as a professional guitarist, don't take advice from anyone who has not done that. If you want to sell records worldwide, don't take advice from anyone who has not done it. This is why going to a music school to learn about the music industry is usually a bad idea since most university professors are not professional musicians.
4. Be certain you know exactly why you want to become a professional musician. This might seem like a pointless piece of advice, as we all think we know why we want what we want. However, on a deeper human level, people in general, and musicians in particular generally want more than what is on the surface.
Nicholas Klezek is a recording artist, a touring musician, and a music business mentor. In his Music Careers Mentoring Program, he teaches musicians how to break into the music industry. To know more visit Nick Klezek Facebook.
Professional Music

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